Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Round 3

We're baaack!!!...I was just way too tired to post last night. 

Getting back to Houston to "Git-R-Done!"

Aniston & her Bubba at Mae's softball game!
     We are back in Houston for good. (Well, not for good but 4 more weeks without another trip home...so sad!  Feels like for good.)  The traveling and going through the airports kind of wore Warren out this past weekend.  We had a great weekend with the kids and family, though!  Jarred drove in Sunday night to see us before we left on Monday morning.  That was a nice surprise!!!  (He's off for Spring Break this week and has lots of plans...New Orleans and Panama City Beach before driving back to Des Moines.  Sounds exhausting to me but I guess that means I'm old now!)  Maison & Aniston woke up with a stomach virus this morning...so sorry, Mom!  I hate not being able to be there to take care of them!!!  

Cooking with the kids over the weekend!...wonder if that's why they got sick?  I told you not to taste that batter with the raw egg in it, Mae!  Did you let Ani lick the spoon, too???
   Warren started to feel kind of bad this past weekend so he spent most of the weekend on the couch.  He really has dry mouth now, a sore throat is starting to emerge and the acne rash is just a big pain in the butt! (I'll see if he'll let me post pics of the rash this week...I know y'all can't wait to see that!!!...stay tuned.)  His face has actually been burning really bad today.  He's not sure exactly why.  It might be because the radiation is just breaking his skin down.  Each time Dr. Beadle, his radiation oncologist, sees him she says he looks fabulous! ha ha ha...  The worse his acne looks the happier she is because she says the worse it looks the better the chemo is working.  Go figure!  He had to weigh today (once a week) and he lost 3 lbs this past week.  They weren't happy about that but just told him to do his best with getting the calories in.  (I went and loaded up on all kinds of things I can get him to eat.)  They are more concerned with him maintaining his weight than just eating healthy.  They want him eating anything he "WILL" or can eat but they want him to pack on the calories more importantly because they know this next week it's going to get harder and harder to eat since his throat will be so sore.  (Don't worry, Glenda, I am making him drink his fruit & veggie drinks!  Promise!!!  I bought all kinds of goodies to blend up today.  I've been buying them at a health food store across the street, too.  They blend them up in front of me so they're fresh.  Carrots, beets, celery...all kinds of goodies.)
     The 3rd round of chemo was given last night.  That took forever!  We were at the hospital until 11:15pm last night and had to be back there at 6am this morning for radiation.  (They should've just let us sleep there!)  Other than radiation the rest of the week that's all we have on our schedule.  Thank goodness!  We needed a break from being at the hopital and going to appointments all day long!!!  This is definitely our job for the meantime!  :) 
                                                 3rd Round of Chemo...still going strong!
Lunch with the family on Sunday after church.

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