Saturday, March 30, 2013

4 Weeks Down...2 More to Go!!!

   Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days.  Been taking a little break from the computer.  We were at the hospital all day yesterday with appointments, too.  Warren is doing ok but could be better.  His side effects are getting a little worse.  He's still taking it all very well but it's getting a little tougher each day.  He has finally stopped fighting me on taking his meds but now asks for them if I haven't given them to him in time.  (That makes things much easier for me.) 
     Every day it seems we've obtained another new medicine to counter another new side effect.  Ugghhh... (Looks like a pharmacy in here now!)  The yuckiest of the side effects right now is the thick mucus he has to spit out every second of every hour now!  Eeeewww!  (I guess it comes with the territory!)  (I know y'all really love these details, too!...that comes with the blog so enjoy!!!)Another couple we talk to daily (from Charleston) told us of a few things that helped him (he finished his last treatments Wednesday but is too sick to fly home right now.) so I went out and bought Musinex.  Let's hope that helps!  He's been sleeping ok this past week but last night he didn't because that stuff got so bad.  (It's just like constant drainage. Yuk!)

Told you it's starting to look like a pharmacy in here!
     So, Warren was eating pretty good but that's getting harder and harder now.  The new pain patch he's wearing has completely taken his appetite away and then the sore throat and tongue doesn't help matters.  A lot of things either burn his mouth or is too thick to get down.  He even says Boosts are too thick now but he manages to drink at least two a day.  He just has to!  I made an awesome soup the other night (if i do say so myself) and he said he just couldn't do it.  It wasn't too thick but there were tiny tiny pieces of veggies in it (I did puree it but they didn't completely puree) so he said he just couldn't eat it.  (Don't worry...I had enough for us both!)  I roasted veggies (carrots, butternut squash, yellow squash, onions, dill, sweet potatoe and zucchini) and then pureed them in my Vitamix Pro 200 Blender (Google Affiliate Ad)  with warm broth and then transferred that to beef broth, chicken broth and a little veggie broth with a can of cream of asparagus and cream of onion.  It was sooo good!  The doctor said if he's going to do soup all of the time he needs to do the creamy soups since it has a little more calories.  (Yay for me!!!  Like I need any more calories!)
Roasted Veggie Soup...So good!!!
  I'm racking my brain today trying to think of things Warren can and will eat so if y'all have any suggestions please comment and let me know!!!  Please!  He can't even do milkshakes or ice cream right now.  It burns his tongue.  Maybe because it's frozen...I don't know.  I can't think of anything other than soup.  And really chicken noodle soup is all he likes.  I went and bought him egg drop soup the other day but he didn't really like it.  He normally love it!

     So, I've been getting pretty bored....this was my project last night. (I made a ton of bookmarks...ha ha ha...something I saw on Pinterest and I really did need one.)  I've gotta think of something new for this week.

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