Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two more sleeps until we are home!!!

     Well, the time is nearing!!!  I really can't believe our 6 weeks is just about up!  Don't get me wrong...the time has not flown by but it really doesn't feel like it's been 6 weeks.  I guess staying busy going to appointments nearly all day everyday has helped the time go by a little quicker.  (Even though I've had my fair share of sitting and waiting and sitting and waiting, on the couch, in a chair in the waiting room, in a chair in the hospital room...anywhere and everywhere!  Needless to say I'm over sitting.)  I'm definitely ready to get my exercise on!!!
Does this look familiar?  We wait a lot but at least they
provide comfy waiting room chairs!
(I had to sneak a shot or he would've gotten mad at
 me because it was way too early for all that.) 

     Warren had his last chemo treatment this past Monday and the last radiation treatment will be Friday morning at 6:20am.  Woo Hoo!!!  With that being said, the two weeks following his last treatment is expected to be his worst.  :(  Then he should start to get better...given he starts getting some nutrition down.  As of today, he's only had IV fluids and gatorade.  I've given him two Boosts throughout the day that have just sat in front of him.  ( frustrating.)  Some days he does well getting them down and others he puts it off over and over again.  He's been getting the IV fluids everyday this week. ( Dr. Lu thought it was a good idea since he started loosing a good bit of weight and didn't want the feeding tube and because we were leaving to go home on Friday.)  Yay, home!  I can't remember if I blogged about the appointment on Tuesday but if I didn't his doctor was pleased with everything and did not mention the feeding tube.  I was shocked but she's the expert.  Warren wouldn've denied it anyway but I really wanted them to harp more about how important it was to get thost Boosts in and any other nutrition but they didn't get on to him.  (Darn!  So, I really looked like the evil witch that won't stop nagging him or trying to shove nutrition down his throat!) 
     As far as how he's feeling, it's pretty much the same.  His throat hurts but he's able to control a lot of the pain with all of the meds.  (I may be speaking too soon because as I'm typing this he's trying to take a pain pill and he's in a lot of pain!)  He did wake up this morning at 4:30 vomiting.  I'm pretty sure that's from all of the yucky stuff that he's probably accidently swallowing while he's sleeping.  (That thick, mucus like saliva.  Ooooh.)  He's really, really tired every day.  Maybe fatigue from the cancer, maybe from all of the meds he's on or maybe because he doesn't sleep well at night...not sure but he sleeps most of the day.  He doesn't talk much but he can talk fine.  I do see a little difference in his voice and his speech.  Just a little.  I'm thinking it's maybe from all of the sores in his mouth, the radiation making his tongue feel weird or because it's all swollen back there.  Again, I don't know but that's just something I've noticed a little when he's talking a lot with the doctors becuase that's really the most he talks during the week.  It's just takes too much effort for him to talk right now.  He saves it for when he has to.  (Good sign...Duck Dynasty just came on and he just laughed!  That's the first laugh I've heard in quite a while.)
     Alrighty, like Bree, Glenda and Kedan say, "Two more sleeps until we go home!!!"  THANK YOU ALL so much for the support and prayers!  I can't imagine where we would be in this journey right now without them!  Not that I EVER want anyone to go through this but, unfortunatley, the odds are against us.  1-2 Men and 1-3 Women get cancer...but if it does happen I hope that we can help anyone in anyway and I hope everyone remembers that most cancer is treatable these days and there's ALWAYS HOPE no matter what the cancer and no matter what the doctors say!!!  Everyone is different and it's GOD's battle NOT our battle!!!  "This is what the Lord says to you. 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.  For the battle is not yours, but God's'" (2 Chron. 20:15).
Do you see all of these birds?  This was while I was trying to eat lunch!  There were literally 20 people eating lunch outside and for some reason about 15 birds came and sat at my table and stared at me.  Not kidding, there were no birds anywhere near anyone else's table, only mine.  They were even walking around ON my table right by me and practically in my food.  It embarassing!  I had to take my lunch in because even when I tried to scare them with my hand they didn't flinch! They got closer!  I thought they were about to jump in my plate!!!  Weird!!!

1 comment:

  1. As I'm reading this it is one more sleep! How brave you have both been. As you say, God has a plan for each and everyone of us, and although we may not always understand it, we have to trust in Him. I love you both so much. Please drive home safely. I will call you over the weekend. xx
