Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Is that chicken, octopus or sea anemone in my soup?

     Not much to say today!  We didn't get much sleep last night.  There's really no reason other than we just couldn't sleep.  Not sure why.  Warren was not in a ton of pain or anything.  He did get up and vomit once (which was the first time since the first weekend) but other that we just tossed and turned all night for no reason so when we had to get up at 5:45am to go to radiation we were so tired!  Warren takes his Ativan (the Happy Pill) at 5am each morning so that when we go at 6am he's relaxed but it's starting to not work as well so when we went this morning he got up on the table, they locked the mask down over him and right when they were about to start he just couldn't do it.  He told them he had to get out, so they made us come back at 1:30pm.  (The doctor said to take 1 1/2 Happy Pills.  He did and it helped a little more but just barely enough for him to make the 20 or 30 minutes it takes.)
    He hasn't been in a whole lot of pain today, or if he was he didn't say, but he has slept a lot.  I've just been waking him up to drink and eat some.  He's falling into a weird sleep, actually.  I guess it's all the meds!  Like falling asleep in the middle of trying to tell me something, or sitting up to drink and then falling asleep while trying to get up.  he he's kind of funny sometimes.  (I'm not mean!  I have to find humor somewhere! Come on!!!) 
    So, other than that much of nothing that happened today there was just this one last thing that's totally blog worthy!!!  Now this is exciting!....Warren said he would eat miso or egg drop soup so I got all excited and remembered where I saw a Japanese restaurant on the way home from church on Easter and went there tonight and ordered take-out.  On the menu it said they had egg drop soup but with shredded chicken.  I asked them to leave out the chicken and ordered two.  (I got him Miso, too, just in case he couldn't do one or the other.)  Got home, opened it up and...what in the heck was in that soup???  I asked them to leave out the shredded chicken but this chicken had balls at the end of the shredded chicken (or so I thought it was chicken).  If you haven't seen my FB page someone solved the mystery for me, thank goodness!  I was so freaked out I threw it all away.  I did try it...had to...and the weird thing was it tasted like shredded chicken at the top but the bottom was rubbery.  So weird!  It ended up being something called enokitake mushrooms.  What in the heck!  Why would they put this is egg drop soup.  Chicken was weird enough to put in it.  (Sure wish I would've known that before I threw it all away!)  I was seriously intrigued! I stared at it, picked at it and took pics of it for like 30 minutes.  Have a good Thurday, y'all!!!

What would you think???  In soup!


  1. Poor Warren. I can only imagine how terrifying it must be to have that mask put on you. My heart aches for him. I so wish I could take his pain and fears away - if only! All I can do is pray that the Lord gives him the strengths he needs.
    That "chicken" does look rather strange - best you avoid any Japanese restaurants!

  2. Praying and thinking of Yall and sending lots of well wishes. It's great to read the blog and read of not only your strength but of your strong will and sense of humor. Keep doing all the great things that you are doing and also your amazing strong faith. The day will come when you both are home and laughing about eating balls in your egg drop soup :)
