Tuesday, September 10, 2013

5 Month Update...for anyone still out there

     I had almost forgotten about the blog!  Almost forgot about all of our followers out there still wondering what's going on with Warren.  I'm so sorry!!!  Warren has been talking to a man he has recently been introduced to that is going through the same treatment that he experienced this year and it just dawned on me that I have the blog to show him and share with him and it might help him and Warren relate better!  When he asks Warren how he felt during a certain week it's so hard for Warren to even remember now and it's only been 5 months since he finished the treatments.  (I remember way more than he does.)  My thought on that is it's because he was kind of in a medication induced, fuzzy, stuper during those weeks and slept the majority of the time.
     Anyhow, I look back and just read the last few posts that I posted back in May and realize even then that things still weren't really back to normal when I thought they were getting back to normal.  Now, I think I can honestly say it's close to being back to normal.  What is normal, anyway?  Everyone's lives change over the years so really what was normal a few years ago may change for most families but Warren is doing great.  He still has not really gained any weight, even though he really has been trying.  (I honestly don't think he's eating enought but his appetite is not what it used to be.)  He eats just fine and he can eat anything except for spicy foods just with lots of water but it's hard when you're trying to eat healthy and gain weight, too.  It would be easy to eat hamburgers and milkshakes all of the time but there's no nutrition in that and the sugar is really bad for cancer cells!  (Cancer cells thrive on sugar!)  Of course, sugar is just not good for anyone, anyway, but obviously really hard to cut it completely out of your diet.  (I spoke to someone today that told me her uncle had cancer and after all of the treatments he was cleared but then it kept reappearing year after year and once he switched to a gluten free diet it never reappeared.  Interesting, right?  I do believe that's how we should eat and I should probably change all of our diets to that but how hard would that be???!!!  I may have to do my best and try....That will have to be a new blog in itself!)
     Ok...so where was I?  Warren is great, he's back to work, working hard, working out, eating good, trying to gain weight and much closer to God!  :)  Life is good!  God is good!  We go back to MD Anderson for another scan/check-up next week.  I'll let y'all know how it goes.  Prayers would be greatly appreciated!  For our friend, Alan, too please!  (He's at MDA now being treated and has no one there to help him.  My heart goes out to him and pray, pray, pray he can stay strong through these almost impossible weeks for him!!!) 
Enjoying watching Jarred play soccer this year! Senior Year!!!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

...and things are back to normal after 7 months.

   I almost completely forgot about the blog.  I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted for those of you that we don't speak to often.  I apologize.  It was so easy to post when we were at MDA but back at home with the kids, work and all of the extra stuff going on I only think about what is on my "to do" list daily.  (Even though I really enjoyed blogging there for a while.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the topic I would've chosen to start my first blog experience about given I had a choice but I feel like we are all better people for the experience our family has had to endure this past year.  I just hate Warren had to go through all of it to help make us better people.)  Speaking of, Warren is doing awesome!  He is somewhat back to normal.  He's back at work, looking great and feeling great.  He lost a lot of weight and he's struggling to gain it but I'm sure it will take a good while to gain the weight and his muscle back that he lost.  He can eat pretty much anything again other than spicy food but he has to drink LOTS of water with his food.  (And I mean A LOT of water.  We just go ahead and tell the waitress, if we are out, to go ahead and bring several glasses of water because they will never fill his glass as fast as he drinks it up.)   He never lost his taste buds (YAY!!!) but he did loose his saliva glands and they may not come back for a year if they come back.  They will most likely not ever come back 100% but he should get them back a little.  That's really all he's dealing with now.  That's not fun and causes other problems like having too wake up a lot in the middle of the night to drink water and then having to get up and go to the bathroom a lot because he's drinking so much but we feel like it could be worse so we are grateful that's all he has to deal with.  He feels so blessed to have gotten through this all!  We all feel so blessed!!!  I don't think I posted in June but we went back to MD Anderson in June for his first scan and they said it looked great and the tumor was gone.  (it's done 6-8 weeks after his last radiation/chemo treatment becuase the radiation continues to work in his body for 21 days after the last treatmet.)

   Anyhow, everything is pretty much back to normal.  He's working everyday, getting up early and working out (going and doing sprints at 6am on the beach right now) and just getting back to "normal" again.  It feels good! 

4th of July 2013

One night mini vacation alone once he was better!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Update...4 Weeks Post Radiation/Chemo Treatments

    Today marks 4 weeks since Warren's last radiation treatment.  We are slowly getting back to normal.  He has had a rough go at recovery but I think he's finally starting to recover.  He definitly experienced every side effect that they tell you "is a side effect" from radiation or chemo.  All unpleasant, painful and some humiliating.  He went several weeks without really eating anything other than having 1-2 Boosts or Ensures a day along with water and gatorade.  To date he's lost about 44lbs but I think we are on the right track now.  We've started juicing again (and he's actually getting them down everyday).  I've been making healthy soups several times a week and he's been eating those but he's really sick of soup and so ready for normal food.  He really wants a cheeseburger, hotdog, pizza, hot fudge sundae and all of the other food he sees on the commercials daily!  Unfortunately,  he's starving from eating so healthy and light everyday.  (Not that he's eating that by choice but it's all he can get down and he desperately needs the nutrients to repair and rebuild.)  Right now it's almost impossible to eat enough to gain weight.  We are lucky to get enough calories to just maintain his weight so that he doesn't loose any more.  I believe it will be very soon before he can eat pretty normal again.  (He's still having problems eating because he still has so many sores in his mouth from the radiation.)  He's doing what he's supposed to be doing to help with that but it's a slow healing process, I assume. 
     Just in the last week he has made tremendous progress, though.  (I think we can rest assure it's all because of the juicing recipes that his mom emailed us and demanded that he does to get better.)  Truly within 4 days he felt a whole lot better.  He has gotten a lot of strength back.  He's gone to work  several times this week for a few hours and we even went to Ihop for breakfast one morning.  (That was a huge suprise when he asked if I wanted to go!)  He drenched a pancake in syrup and managed to eat one even though it hurt.  (That's how bad he wants to eat!)  Oh, and he's completely off all of his pain medications.  I think that's why the pain seems to have gotten worse.  He says the pain pills don't really help anymore so why take them. 
     Well, that's the most recent update.  Sorry, it's been so long again!  I truly intended on updating regularly but with the kids and all that's going on I haven't turned the computer on much during the day and unlike my normal self I've been in bed and asleep by 9pm every night.

This was Monday when we went to visit Mawmaw.  She wanted a
 picture for her book. (He's probably going to kill me for posting this
when he sees it but it is what it is.  This is 4 weeks after his last
treatment and 40+lbs lighter.)

     Y'all have a good weekend and a Great Mother's Day for all you moms!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

"Kick it For Arde"

     I think we got through those 2 bad weeks post radiation/chemo!  Yesterday Warren woke up feeling good!  I was shocked to hear him say those words.  He had a really rought two weeks so he deserved a good day!  He's still not doing solid foods but that's coming.  He's hungry and really wants to eat he's just got to ease back into that.  He still has pain but it's not nearly as bad so I think this week we will start wheening him from the pain meds a little.
     My best friend, Julie, and Warren's friend, Kris Reiman, put together a soccer benefit for Warren yesterday called "Kick it for Arde".  Along with a lot of our other friends and family who worked it and helped make it a success.  (Thanks to Patrick Wadsworth, Robert, Angie, Melody & Garret Waldrop, Candice and Braxton Clifton, Steve Huckaby, Scotty Barnes and Newks for donating water and food and all of he Referees who donated their time!!!  And thanks to all of those who signed up and participated by playing and coaching!!!  I know there are otheres that played a part and just know that we appreciate it so much!!!)  It was a 3v3 tournament (for those non-soccer fans out there that means 3 against 3) for all ages and it was a great day!  There were over 50 teams that came out and participated and they seemed to have a great time.  Again, how overwhelming to see that many people come out and support Warren and our family!  As I was walking out the door to run up to the fields for a little while Warren said he was going to go.  What???  I couldn't believe it.  He hasn't been able to make it out of the house other than a quick ride to the doctor or once to the bank.  I'm not sure what happened overnight but yesterday was a REALLY good day for him.  He went out to the fields and stayed for several hours, watching games and talking to friends and all the kiddos.  It was so nice to see him feeling that good! 
Candice, Julie, Melody, Robert, Brax, Angie & Garrett

Kris Reiman, Sheldon Baker, Warren & Donnavan
The "Kick it for Arde" Soccer Benefit


Aniston warming up with Sheldon...bahahaha

To see more pics of the day go to www.facebook.com/internationasoccerclinic ...I'll be posting them later

     This morning is a little different story.  He's not feeling that great.  He's having issues (side effects) from some of the medications and he's pretty much in agony.  Hopefully, we'll get this resolved in a little while and he'll be on the mends!  I do think it's going to be a much better week and I'm really excited about that! 

Monday, April 22, 2013

I'm back to blogging if anyone is still out there following...

     Well, we have been home now for 10 days and it's feeling somewhat normal again.  And again, I apologize for not posting for so long this time for those of you who get on regularly to check on Warren's status.  It's been hard to find the time to blog but I will make it a priority again.  Promise!!! I've got to get better at time management!  I'm dedicating this week to getting more organized...while taking care of Warren and Aniston.  (I had to take her to the doctor today because she ran a fever all weekend and we needed to know what it was in case it's someting we needed to be extra careful Warren didn't get.  It's a virus called the Adenovirus.  Not that big of a deal but makes her feel really bad like the flu.  High fever, a little cough, really tired, sore throat, etc..  It can't be treated with anything so she'll just have to sleep it off.   Bless her heart!  Now, we need to make sure Warren doesn't get it!  I think it's mostly just in kids, though.  Don't think it's too much to worry about.
     Anyhow, about Warren...He's still feeling pretty crumby.  I know the doctors' said that the two weeks after his last treatment would be the worst but for some reason my mind would not let me really believe that.  I guess my logical response is...the treatment is over and each day he wakes up will be a little easier than the last but it's been the opposite.  Last week each day was WORSE than the last.  I'm hoping this week my theory will come into play!  No really, I feel like it can only get better but it still may be just as tough this week as last.  He's got to be the cleanest cancer patient around, though, because his comfort zone is a hot bath.  Can't tell you how many he takes a day!  Maybe 5 or 6, sometimes more.   (This morning he was in the bath when I left to take Aniston to the doctor and when we got back (2 hours later) he was in the bath.  I freaked out because he was sleeping and I woke him up and thought he'd been there since we left.  He said he had been but he was joking.  It was his 2nd bath.  Yes, I know it's dangerous to sleep in the bath but if you saw how small our bathtub is you would understad he's fine! ha ha ha....It's seriously perfect for Aniston's size, not US!!!  That should probably be our next project when all of this is behind us...a bigger tub!)
      Anyhow, whatever works, right?!  He is getting down more shakes than when we were in Houston but it's still not enough.  He's probably lost 35 lbs now.  As of last week he had lost 32 lbs and I know he's lost some from last week but I'm not sure how much.  I asked him how much he weighed when he played soccer in college and he's about that size now.  I know he will come back strong, though, and gain some back so I'm not as worried about it as I was.  We are almost to the light!  I just hope the saliva thing stops for him because that is one of the worst side effects and it's so yuk!  I think he could deal with the dry mouth way more than he can deal with having to spit every minute and he really can't go anywhere having to do that all of the time so hopefully that will subside soon.  Oh yeah, one of his biggest issues right now is sleep.  He is still having trouble sleeping at night.  I realized last night his biggest problem...he has sleep apnea, which he has never had, and it's jolting him back awake everytime he falls asleep and stops breathing.  He does this ALL night and is then miserable because he didn't get any sleep.  (I didn't get any sleep last night because when he did fall asleep last night he snored so loud (also something new) and Anistn snored really loud, too, so there was no chance I was sleeping through all of that.)  All of Aniston's life I've checked on her all night either to change her position or listen to see if she was breathing if I didn't hear her snoring and now I'm doing the same with Warren.  So, now I guess we need to address this issue and see what can be done about this.  I'm sure it's a combination from the radiation on his throat and nose and all of his medication he's on (which is from the side effects of the side effects!).
     So, that's what's been going on with Warren.  I'll keep y'all posted and let you know how he does this week.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

He did it! It's over, done, history!!!

     Well, the last treatment was Friday and then we hit the road!  We were home by 12:45pm.  Sorry, I haven't posted.  I spent the weekend with the kids and haven't even unpacked or openend my computer.  Warren, is doing about the same.  He hasn't wanted to eat much and he's not getting much sleep.  It's a cozy, rainy day here today so maybe he'll feel like catching up on some sleep!  I have lots to unpack!

Warren ringing the bell after his last treatment!!!
He's finished!!!

     They gave Warren his mask to bring home.  (What in the world do we want that thing???)  Our car was so packed to the top with everything I told him he would have to wear it all the way home because we had no room for it! he he he....He did great, by-the-way, on the way home.  He slept the entire time.

     We'll be going back to MD Anderson in 6-8 weeks for another PET scan to see how the treatment worked.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Getting Ready to Say Goodbye to MD Anderson...Stay Tuned

     Stay tuned tomorrow!!!  We...ok, (I) am packing us up now and getting us ready to hit the road after Warren's LAST radiation treatment in the morning.  (I did lock myself out in the parking garage earlier while bringing suitcases to the car.  Ya think my husband came looking for me after 20 minutes, nope, nada! Had to wait for someone to walk by in the parking garage to let me in.  Then they acted all suspicious like I was full of it and trying to break in or someting.  Really?  In slippers and pj's?)
     Warren started out feeling pretty bad today but ended it feeling a little better.  The IV fluids he received every day this week kind of made him sick after each one of them for some reason.  Maybe because he felt really full???  Not sure.  He threw up after all of them, though, this week.  Weird.  I hope he will be ok for the 6 hour drive home tomorrow.  I'm going to make sure he has ALL of his meds so maybe he will just sleep.  I'll get him all comfy with pillows and a blanket and hope for the best. 

     I will be posting a video tomorrow of him "Ringing the Bell" after his last treatment.  (I hope it works!)  Check back later!  I'll try and post it before we take off or on our first stop. 

Hasta La Vista, Houston!!!
Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Two more sleeps until we are home!!!

     Well, the time is nearing!!!  I really can't believe our 6 weeks is just about up!  Don't get me wrong...the time has not flown by but it really doesn't feel like it's been 6 weeks.  I guess staying busy going to appointments nearly all day everyday has helped the time go by a little quicker.  (Even though I've had my fair share of sitting and waiting and sitting and waiting, on the couch, in a chair in the waiting room, in a chair in the hospital room...anywhere and everywhere!  Needless to say I'm over sitting.)  I'm definitely ready to get my exercise on!!!
Does this look familiar?  We wait a lot but at least they
provide comfy waiting room chairs!
(I had to sneak a shot or he would've gotten mad at
 me because it was way too early for all that.) 

     Warren had his last chemo treatment this past Monday and the last radiation treatment will be Friday morning at 6:20am.  Woo Hoo!!!  With that being said, the two weeks following his last treatment is expected to be his worst.  :(  Then he should start to get better...given he starts getting some nutrition down.  As of today, he's only had IV fluids and gatorade.  I've given him two Boosts throughout the day that have just sat in front of him.  (Ugghh...so frustrating.)  Some days he does well getting them down and others he puts it off over and over again.  He's been getting the IV fluids everyday this week. ( Dr. Lu thought it was a good idea since he started loosing a good bit of weight and didn't want the feeding tube and because we were leaving to go home on Friday.)  Yay, home!  I can't remember if I blogged about the appointment on Tuesday but if I didn't his doctor was pleased with everything and did not mention the feeding tube.  I was shocked but she's the expert.  Warren wouldn've denied it anyway but I really wanted them to harp more about how important it was to get thost Boosts in and any other nutrition but they didn't get on to him.  (Darn!  So, I really looked like the evil witch that won't stop nagging him or trying to shove nutrition down his throat!) 
     As far as how he's feeling, it's pretty much the same.  His throat hurts but he's able to control a lot of the pain with all of the meds.  (I may be speaking too soon because as I'm typing this he's trying to take a pain pill and he's in a lot of pain!)  He did wake up this morning at 4:30 vomiting.  I'm pretty sure that's from all of the yucky stuff that he's probably accidently swallowing while he's sleeping.  (That thick, mucus like saliva.  Ooooh.)  He's really, really tired every day.  Maybe fatigue from the cancer, maybe from all of the meds he's on or maybe because he doesn't sleep well at night...not sure but he sleeps most of the day.  He doesn't talk much but he can talk fine.  I do see a little difference in his voice and his speech.  Just a little.  I'm thinking it's maybe from all of the sores in his mouth, the radiation making his tongue feel weird or because it's all swollen back there.  Again, I don't know but that's just something I've noticed a little when he's talking a lot with the doctors becuase that's really the most he talks during the week.  It's just takes too much effort for him to talk right now.  He saves it for when he has to.  (Good sign...Duck Dynasty just came on and he just laughed!  That's the first laugh I've heard in quite a while.)
     Alrighty, like Bree, Glenda and Kedan say, "Two more sleeps until we go home!!!"  THANK YOU ALL so much for the support and prayers!  I can't imagine where we would be in this journey right now without them!  Not that I EVER want anyone to go through this but, unfortunatley, the odds are against us.  1-2 Men and 1-3 Women get cancer...but if it does happen I hope that we can help anyone in anyway and I hope everyone remembers that most cancer is treatable these days and there's ALWAYS HOPE no matter what the cancer and no matter what the doctors say!!!  Everyone is different and it's GOD's battle NOT our battle!!!  "This is what the Lord says to you. 'Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army.  For the battle is not yours, but God's'" (2 Chron. 20:15).
Do you see all of these birds?  This was while I was trying to eat lunch!  There were literally 20 people eating lunch outside and for some reason about 15 birds came and sat at my table and stared at me.  Not kidding, there were no birds anywhere near anyone else's table, only mine.  They were even walking around ON my table right by me and practically in my food.  It embarassing!  I had to take my lunch in because even when I tried to scare them with my hand they didn't flinch! They got closer!  I thought they were about to jump in my plate!!!  Weird!!!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

This is our LAST week!!! Hip Hip Hooray!!!

     Sorry there have been no posts for several days!  There really hasn't been much to blog about.  Warren is doing about the same other than the weight has finally started dropping off, unfortunately.  When we saw the doctor last Tuesday I was surprised that his weight was what it was because I expected it to be a lot less but on Friday he had more IV fluids and when they weighed him he was down 20lbs total from when we got here.  I was shocked that a good bit of weight came off so fast and all at once.  I still have not been real successful in getting him to eat much.  (I welcome suggestions if anyone can think of anything!)  I did order him some shakes called Scandishakes.  They have 600 calories each in them!  (I wish he would've told me sooner about them because that's what he's needed.)  He not eating much because it's painful to get anything down and he doesn't have his taste now so it all tastes horrible, as well.  He really doesn't even like soups anymore.  All he's really doing right now is vanilla Ensure, jello, gatorade and water and sometimes yogurt.  That's about it but on most days here lately it has only been about 400 calories total for the day.  He knows he has to get more calories in and sometimes he really tries but then just says he'll try again later and doesn't end up doing it.  I'll bring it to him and it just sits on the table for hours until I throw it away.  :(   I really think he needs the feeding tube but it't going to have to be someone else convincing him because he doesn't want to hear it from me.  We'll just have to see what Dr. Beadle thinks about it this week!  I'm sure her tune will be different with him this week along with the nurtionist.
     Our days have pretty much been the exact same the last several days.  He's on lots of pain meds so he's staying really tired, not sleeping that good at night and has started to choke a little from the thick saliva that his glands are producing.  (The doctor explained that to me more in detail last week...The radiation kills his lower saliva glands but the top ones still produce some saliva.  You have two types of saliva glands.  One produces watery saliva and one produces a thicker saliva and the glands that produce the watery saliva has stopped but the other gland kicks in to try and compensate but it actually produces the saliva thicker than usual.)  That's the best I can explain it!  It's really yuk!  He would probably be better off withouth that gland, too!  The good news is this is our LAST week!!!  Warren wants us to have everything packed up on Thursday night so that we can drive straight home after his last radiation treatment, so I guess that's what we are going to do!  I can't wait but I'm a little worried it's going to be a miserable trip for him.  This week should get a little harder and then they say the two weeks folling the end of treatment will be the worst and then he should start to get better.  We have to come back here to MDA 8 weeks after the last treatment for a PET scan. 

On a brighter note, I actually won something this week! I've never won anything in my life. I read this book about a year ago called Secrets of Millionaire Moms. (The author, Tamara Monosoff, interviewed lots of mom inventors like the creators of Lillion Vernon, Airborne, Build-a-Bear, etc., and has written many other books and has a line of products with the brand name Mom Invented...anyhow, I filled out a survey she sent out last week (to win an Apple TV) and she emailed me yesterday and said I won an hour of mentoring from her over the phone. Yay! I'm so excited! She's calling me on Wednesday!
It was Maison's Birthday Friday, April 5th.
She went to Orange Beach with friends.
Happy Birthday, Mae!
Happy Birthday, Jess!
(her best friend's bday was Saturday)
...and Ani said this was the best play date ever!!!
...and Jarred spent his weekend working on a group project and coaching a soccer clinic they had for the Ruby Van Meter School in Des Moines.
Can't wait to see my family!!!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Is that chicken, octopus or sea anemone in my soup?

     Not much to say today!  We didn't get much sleep last night.  There's really no reason other than we just couldn't sleep.  Not sure why.  Warren was not in a ton of pain or anything.  He did get up and vomit once (which was the first time since the first weekend) but other that we just tossed and turned all night for no reason so when we had to get up at 5:45am to go to radiation we were so tired!  Warren takes his Ativan (the Happy Pill) at 5am each morning so that when we go at 6am he's relaxed but it's starting to not work as well so when we went this morning he got up on the table, they locked the mask down over him and right when they were about to start he just couldn't do it.  He told them he had to get out, so they made us come back at 1:30pm.  (The doctor said to take 1 1/2 Happy Pills.  He did and it helped a little more but just barely enough for him to make the 20 or 30 minutes it takes.)
    He hasn't been in a whole lot of pain today, or if he was he didn't say, but he has slept a lot.  I've just been waking him up to drink and eat some.  He's falling into a weird sleep, actually.  I guess it's all the meds!  Like falling asleep in the middle of trying to tell me something, or sitting up to drink and then falling asleep while trying to get up.  he he he....it's kind of funny sometimes.  (I'm not mean!  I have to find humor somewhere! Come on!!!) 
    So, other than that much of nothing that happened today there was just this one last thing that's totally blog worthy!!!  Now this is exciting!....Warren said he would eat miso or egg drop soup so I got all excited and remembered where I saw a Japanese restaurant on the way home from church on Easter and went there tonight and ordered take-out.  On the menu it said they had egg drop soup but with shredded chicken.  I asked them to leave out the chicken and ordered two.  (I got him Miso, too, just in case he couldn't do one or the other.)  Got home, opened it up and...what in the heck was in that soup???  I asked them to leave out the shredded chicken but this chicken had balls at the end of the shredded chicken (or so I thought it was chicken).  If you haven't seen my FB page someone solved the mystery for me, thank goodness!  I was so freaked out I threw it all away.  I did try it...had to...and the weird thing was it tasted like shredded chicken at the top but the bottom was rubbery.  So weird!  It ended up being something called enokitake mushrooms.  What in the heck!  Why would they put this is egg drop soup.  Chicken was weird enough to put in it.  (Sure wish I would've known that before I threw it all away!)  I was seriously intrigued! I stared at it, picked at it and took pics of it for like 30 minutes.  Have a good Thurday, y'all!!!

What would you think???  In soup!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Is Today only Tuesday???

     Wow, I just realized today is only Tuesday!  (I was about to say Week 5 almost over.)  It's been a long two days!  Warren is actually doing a little better today than he was the last couple of days.  We had a serious discussion last night about his eating and drinking.  (Mainly eating!)  I got serious and pretty much told him I was going to tell his doctor's on him and tell them exactly what he ate for about 3 days straight...NOTHING!  (Time to start being a tattletale!!!)  After he threw a temper tantrum and pouted he got over it and got his stuff straight!  He started consuming calories and did very well last night and today.  He really didn't loose any more weight since Friday, which I was shocked about.  Actually, I think he lost 1-2lbs and then he gained it back.  Yay!  I was certain they were going to tell him he had to get the feeding tube but not this week.  I think he's figured out how to get some shakes and yogurt and few other things down.  I found some vanilla shakes that are 350 calories each with 13 grams of protein, yougurt that's 200 calories and few other things that will work.  Dr. Beadle did tell him to start wearing 2 pain patches now and he can take his Hydrocodon on top of that.  Wow...that sounds like a lot!  I guess when he's really in a lot of pain his body uses it.  She, also, called him in some gel like stuff he can use to numb his tongue and mouth so that will probably help when he eats and drinks.
     Well, not much else to tell today.  I'm going to post a picture of his doctor's so y'all can see who we see each week.  (I would really like to get Dr. Beadle to say "hi" on video...maybe next week.)

Dr. Lu

Dr. Beadle


2 Corinthians 12:10

That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses,
in insults, in hardships, in persecutios, in difficulties.
For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Only 1 more chemo after this!!! Yay!

Looks like we're going to be here for a while today. Warren had radiation this morning and then we came up to the 2nd floor for chemo. (Radiation is in the basement.) We told them he needed IV fluids after the chemo was finished and they said that would be fine but it's going to take another 4 hours for the fluids. Whoa! Ok... (Can I get another warm blanket, please?) ...I'll be able to post some more good reads soon so stay tuned!
By-the-way, Warren sleeps really well every time we come for Chemo. He's snoozing now. I guess maybe its the Benadryl they put in his IV before he gets the chemo. (I wish it did that for me...I've been taking it all week because for some reason I've been itching really bad from head to toe for the last month. I know, I know...I'm gonna go see someone about it later...But the Benadryl does absolutely nothing for me!). Maybe he should take one before bed from now on!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter day!!!

      I hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter day!  It was definitely a different Easter for us and one I'm sure we'll never forget even though we still have so much to be grateful for and we are so very blessed.  I felt terrible leaving Warren this morning but I really did not want to miss church on Easter Sunday so I made a last minute decision to go to Joel Osteen's church, Lakewood, for the 11am service.  (I figured I may not get the opportunity again, even though I hope I do!)  I'm so glad I went!!!  It was awesome!  It was an ordeal once I found it but I just followed the traffic and then the crowd becuase I had no idea where I was walking too!  (I kept thinking while I was following everyone that you always teach your kids to be a leader and not a follower and here I am not having a clue where the crowd is leading me...I just followed.  he he he....I was thinking surely they're all going to the same place I'm trying to get to.)   All kidding aside, it was really a treat to be there.  It's the largest church in the US and it was completely packed out...all of the way to the top.  (I took the pics below before the service started so you cannot tell how many people were actually there once the service started.)  Worship there was amzaing!  It was pretty powerful being apart of such a large, upbeat congregation.  I wish Warren could've gone but we will definitely go again the next time we have to come back to MDA for check-up's and when he's feeling better. 

Lakewood Church / Houston, TX

     Warren is about the same he has been for the last few days.  The pain is getting a little worse and he really doesn't want to eat anything and he's drinking less.  (Don't panic y'all....I'm doing everything I can, even taking a cussing from him for trying to shove it down his throat every few hours.)  I'm sure the doctors will probably decide to give him the feeding tube this week.  (He'll deny it until he's lying in the hospital bed being sedated for it but the scale will tell on Tuesday!)  It will make my life and his a whole lot easier if they would just do it!  (Even though I can't imagine having to put everything in his tube...you do what you gotta do, huh.)  I think he would be a lot happier because I could then stop nagging him all day.  He will only have to keep it for 6 weeks and then they can remove it.  (If he doesn't want to eat or drink now I can just imagine next week and the week after that.)  Yes, he's miserable but he really is still taking it all pretty well.  He looks better than he sounds, I promise!  I think I'm going to get him to stay tomorrow morning after radiation to get IV fluids.  I think he probably needs them and it will probably make him feel better.  (They told us anytime he wants them or thinks he needs them we can just check ourselves in and they'll get him set up.)
     Well, that's our Sunday.  About to finish watching our redbox movies before they are all due back and before the storm starts, make some more bookmarks, and finish off my Easter dessert (Very appropriate for the occasion, Carrot Cake.)  I picked up at the grocery store when I went to pick up my Easter lunch from the deli. (Yuk!...hope I never have to eat that again on Easter!)

Easter Sunday pics of Maison & Aniston back home and Jarred in Des Moines: 
Clearly, I've got to hurry back so that I can start doing Ani's hair again!
What is going on with her hair, y'all???
Happy Easter!!!

In scripture, when Jesus was about to be crucified, His disciple Peter denied Him three times. (See Matt. 26). You would think that Jesus would have given up on Peter. But that’s not His nature. When you make a mistake, God doesn’t turn from you, He comes after you!
They crucified Jesus on Friday. Sunday morning, Mary went to the tomb to check on His body. When she arrived, the stone had been rolled away. An angel appeared and said, “Mary, don’t be afraid. Jesus has risen. Now go tell His disciples and Peter that He is alive.” (See Mark 16)
Out of all the people in the world that could have been singled out at this historic moment, the only person specifically named was Peter. It was as if God was saying, “Peter, I’m the God of another chance. When you turn your back on Me, I don’t turn my back on you. When you fall, I come running toward you.”
Today, I believe God is saying to all the people who have fallen or made mistakes, “I’m not only alive but I still love you. Come to Me and let Me make you new.” If that’s you, there’s no better time to surrender your life to Jesus Christ than today.  For more infomation click here: http://www.lakewoodchurch.com/pages/pathway/jesus.aspx#lakewood-video-player
~ Joel and Victoria Osteen

Saturday, March 30, 2013

I hope everyone has a wonderful Easter!!!

John 11:25-26Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.

Romans 6:8-11Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, he cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over him. The death he died, he died to sin once for all; but the life he lives, he lives to God. In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus. (NIV)

Philippians 3:10-12 I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of sharing in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. (NIV)

1 Peter 1:3Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead... (NIV)

4 Weeks Down...2 More to Go!!!

   Sorry I haven't posted in a couple of days.  Been taking a little break from the computer.  We were at the hospital all day yesterday with appointments, too.  Warren is doing ok but could be better.  His side effects are getting a little worse.  He's still taking it all very well but it's getting a little tougher each day.  He has finally stopped fighting me on taking his meds but now asks for them if I haven't given them to him in time.  (That makes things much easier for me.) 
     Every day it seems we've obtained another new medicine to counter another new side effect.  Ugghhh... (Looks like a pharmacy in here now!)  The yuckiest of the side effects right now is the thick mucus he has to spit out every second of every hour now!  Eeeewww!  (I guess it comes with the territory!)  (I know y'all really love these details, too!...that comes with the blog so enjoy!!!)Another couple we talk to daily (from Charleston) told us of a few things that helped him (he finished his last treatments Wednesday but is too sick to fly home right now.) so I went out and bought Musinex.  Let's hope that helps!  He's been sleeping ok this past week but last night he didn't because that stuff got so bad.  (It's just like constant drainage. Yuk!)

Told you it's starting to look like a pharmacy in here!
     So, Warren was eating pretty good but that's getting harder and harder now.  The new pain patch he's wearing has completely taken his appetite away and then the sore throat and tongue doesn't help matters.  A lot of things either burn his mouth or is too thick to get down.  He even says Boosts are too thick now but he manages to drink at least two a day.  He just has to!  I made an awesome soup the other night (if i do say so myself) and he said he just couldn't do it.  It wasn't too thick but there were tiny tiny pieces of veggies in it (I did puree it but they didn't completely puree) so he said he just couldn't eat it.  (Don't worry...I had enough for us both!)  I roasted veggies (carrots, butternut squash, yellow squash, onions, dill, sweet potatoe and zucchini) and then pureed them in my Vitamix Pro 200 Blender (Google Affiliate Ad)  with warm broth and then transferred that to beef broth, chicken broth and a little veggie broth with a can of cream of asparagus and cream of onion.  It was sooo good!  The doctor said if he's going to do soup all of the time he needs to do the creamy soups since it has a little more calories.  (Yay for me!!!  Like I need any more calories!)
Roasted Veggie Soup...So good!!!
  I'm racking my brain today trying to think of things Warren can and will eat so if y'all have any suggestions please comment and let me know!!!  Please!  He can't even do milkshakes or ice cream right now.  It burns his tongue.  Maybe because it's frozen...I don't know.  I can't think of anything other than soup.  And really chicken noodle soup is all he likes.  I went and bought him egg drop soup the other day but he didn't really like it.  He normally love it!

     So, I've been getting pretty bored....this was my project last night. (I made a ton of bookmarks...ha ha ha...something I saw on Pinterest and I really did need one.)  I've gotta think of something new for this week.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

We had visitors today! :)

     So,  we barely made it to radiation this morning!  We normally get up around 5:45, brush our teeth and leave for the hospital and are usually in the waiting room by 6:10 every morning.  Well, this morning Warren turned the alarm off and when I looked back at it it was 6:06 and he is supposed to start radation at 6:20.  Believe it or not we were sitting in that waiting room at 6:18am!!! (And yes, we did brush our teeth.)  Don't ask how that was possible because I still cannot understand how we made it, myself.  I don't even remember which way I drove there.  They do not do "late" for radiation and you do not want to upset the lady that does the radiation for Warren.  (Her handshake alone would scare you!  Not kidding!!!)  She's super sweet, though!
     Warren has been struggling to stay awake now since about 4:30 or 5 this afternoon.  The doctor's gave him a patch to wear for pain management so we put it on this afternoon and it has knocked him out.  They say it takes a slow 8-12 hours to get into his system but he has been like a zombie.  He keeps waking up saying he is not going to use it if it keeps him this way.  He said he'd rather just take the regular pain meds and live with a sore throat.  We'll see! 
     His appointments all went fine today.  He had to meet with the gastroenterologist this morning just in case he ends up needing the feeding tube but they were pleased with his eating habits and said as long as he consumes 2,300 calories a day they will not give it to him.  (I can tell you right now that's going to be tough!...Especially if he ends up sleeping a lot more like he did today.)  I had no idea that the feeding tube was such a big deal.  I mean once it's in it's not a big deal but it's actually a surgery and he would have to stay overnight at the hospital when they do it.  Everyone around here acts like it's really nothing.  (The other patients, I mean.)  I was under the wrong impression!
    Well, we had surprise visitors today!!!  It was kind of exciting!  (Someone we actually knew to talk to in person!!  I am starting to feel a little isolated.)  Our manager and trainer for Colonial Life from Jackson flew into Houston today for work so they stopped by and brought us a nice big goodie basket.  How sweet!  It was so nice visiting with them for a little while.

Thanks, Jimmy & Trent!!!

 From Back Home: 
 Mom said that Aniston told them she really wanted to see the sunset today so she ran them to the beach to watch it.  How sweet!  I can't imagine where she came up with that unless they are talking about that at school right now.  lol...


...And look who I spotted today doing his grocery shopping. 
Hope y'all are all ready for him!!!  ;)

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A good start to the week!!!

     Hi!  Warren had a pretty good day today.  He's been way more talkative today.  Maybe because we had several doctor's appointments and had to be away from the apartment most of the day so he was forced to get off of the couch and talk.  :)  He loves his radiation oncologist, Dr. Beadle, though, she always makes him laugh so I credit her for some of his good day!  :)  Love her!!  He did have two different radiation treatments today.  They had to make one up so he had it at 6am and 2pm.  Other than being a little tired when we got back he was fine.

Warren and I waiting for his next appointment.
     As far as his pain it is more apparent now but he's handling it really well.  They upped his pain meds to a patch today.  (He's about to put it on now...it take 12 hours to really get into his system and he wears them for 72 hours at a time.)  I'm really proud of how well he's taking everything.  He never just sits around and complains or acts like he feels sorry for himself.  (Well, he does sit around but not the other stuff.)  He's eating way better, too.  Mainly chicken noodle soup, jello and chocolate protein smoothies from Smoothie King.  He really wants to eat other stuff and sometimes thinks he can but then quickly realizes it ain't happening after he tries!  (Yes, I know "ain't" ain't a word!)  Dr. Beadle told him today to not even try anything you have to eat with a fork anymore.  She told him to just stick to liquids.  Last night he actually had a meal from Olive Garden.  He ate stuffed manicotti!  I was impressed!  (I believe he was trying to get in as many calories as possible before the weigh in today!!!)...Don't tell him I told y'all but he also tried to be weighed with heavy stuff in his pockets.  Yep, that nurse is sharp...she quickly realized that and made sure his wallet, cell phone, hat, water bottle and keys were accounted for in his numbers!  he he he... He really only lost about 3 lbs. this past week.  He will argue with me but he's probably lost about 6 or 7 lbs total now since we've been here.  (He'll say 3...have no idea why he's stuck on that number!)  The doctors aren't worried, though, because it's been about 2-3 lbs a week which still isn't a significant amount thus far and not a lot in a short amount of time.  That's when they would worry and probably do the feeding tube.  We are meeting with the doctor tomorrow about the feeding tube but only to just meet with him in case he has to get it in the next week or two.  (We've learned from other patients that the situation can change rapidly...like eating ok one day to not being able to eat at all the next or throwing up or severe pain.  So far so good, though.)
     Well, other than that not much interesting has happened around here.  Let's see...I did get to go sit out by the pool for a couple of hours yesterday and received my first ray of sunshine on my face in quite a while.  (I should mention that I layed out in yoga pants and a zip up jacket!  It's been chilly here the last few days but beautiful!) 

 Oh, and today while waiting for Warren in the waiting area a 3 year old little boy got his head stuck under the arm rest of a chair.  That was hysterical!  His mom, grandfather and I tried every position we could get him and the chair in to get him out.  At one point I looked up and we had a couple of doctor's and nurses that had been walking by watching us and one asked if there was anything he could do.  Bahahahaha....I think probably that was more of a mom's specialty than any doctor there!  (Getting a toddler's head unstuck from an akward position in furniture!)  I laughed all the way out the door.  Of course, that kid was laughing too, therefore I could laugh.
      Also, in the last few days I was able to get my Easter shopping done via the internet and had it shipped to my mom's for the kids baskets.  Thanks, Mom!!! I know you are going to be exhausted after Easter! :)  I probably haven't mentioned as much as I should but we are forever grateful for all of the support we have from everyone!  It's absolutely unbelievable all of the support and prayers that we have received and continue to receive each and every day!!!  We have no doubt that Warren will get through this all and be just fine in months to come and that we will be way stronger and way better people for it!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Movies & Milkshakes...

     Nothing much to blog about here this weekend.  I guess that's a good thing when it comes to Warren.  He has actually been trying to eat a little more.  Guess what he asked for yesterday???  KFC!!!  I know, KFC, really?  Out of all things I would've never expected that request so I ran out immediately to go find one before he changed his mind.  Found it and he ate half of his lunch, which was great!  I've tried milkshakes everyday from somewhere different and he's just not digging those.  He said they're too sweet.  (Whatever! That's 3 more lbs added to me over the wekend!...I'm seriuosly starting to work-out, run, something tomorrow!!!  I can't possibly just sit on this couch daily and blog and read blogs and drink his milkshakes that he won't drink!)  I have figured something out while being here...maybe we should sell our house and buy a condo or something similar.  Forget the bigger house!  I think our life would be so much easier.  It would take no time to get it good and cleaned each week!  Also, getting rid of half of what we have!  I love having 4 plates, 4 cups, 4 bowls, etc.  Yeah, I have to keep washing them but it sure beats cleaning 12 of everything and takes way less time!  I did unpack our suitcases last night...yes, just now.  Three weeks into it and I'm just unpacking our suitcases.  Give me a little slack...we did go home the first two weekends so we were kind of still living out of our suitcases.  Anyhow, we did bring entirely too many clothes!  The walk-in closet looks like we've lived here for two years.  It's insane!  I wear the same three pairs of pants everyday, too.  I dread packing it all back up.  Today is freezing, too, by-the-way.  I find that weird that everyone at home is laying out today or working in the yard and said it's hot and it's freezing and cloudy in Texas!  That just doesn't seem right.  
     So, Warren is getting better at taking his meds.  He's not fighting me on it as much anymore but then again I've learned not even to ask him, I just go hand it all to him with a drink.  I dont' even ask if he's in pain or feels nauseous, just give it to him.  He has eaten pretty good today, too.  The Campbell's old fashioned chicken noodle soup is definitely his #1 choice but he has eaten other things today, as well.
 I made chocolate pudding out of avocados earlier...it's in the fridge chilling right now.  It's actually good so I think that will be a good snack if he'll eat it.  He is eating a lot of jello, too.
Chocolate Avocado Pudding
     Oh, yesterday I ran to the grocery and when I was leaving I noticed they had a lottery ticket vending machine.  How cool is that!  Well, it's probably not a good thing to make it so accessible to some but I couldn't resist buying one.  (Which I'm sure is their point!)  I thought it was pretty neat, though.  I bet the future will have pretty much everything in a vending machine!  (Think people...what else could you vend?...could be the next best business!)

 Speaking of vending, I rented a few redbox movies, too, and I couldn't have gotten that more wrong if I tried!  How do you pick 3 of 3 horrible movies???  Warren doesn't even trust me anymore to rent a movie unless he sends me for a specific one!  The first one we put in wasn't even in English!!!  How does that happen in America???  It was in French! 

                                                                                                                                                                                          Look how stinkin cute this Little Miss is!!! Maison texted me this pic from the dressing room yesterday while they were doing a little shopping with Meme. We miss them so much!!!

Hope y'all had a great weekend! 
Tomorrow Warren has radiation and Chemo.  Round 4!!!
And Jarred just made it back to Des Moines safely.  They drove to Gulfport last Sunday (16 hours), to New Orleans on Tuesday then to Panama City Beach on Thursday and stayed in Oxford last night (or stopped for a while) on their way back to Iowa today. 
 "You know you're old if that sounds exhausting!!!"

Friday, March 22, 2013

If you want to Subscribe to this feed...

     FYI...I've had people asking me how to leave comments or subscribe to this blog.  I'm new at all of this, too, but I think if you scroll all of the way to the bottom of the page there is something at the bottom that says "Subscribe To:     "... (on my computer it's blank next to that...I don't know why or if it's something I need to input) but if you will click on "Subscribe To:  or in the blank spot next to it another screen will pop up and you can Subscribe to this blog.  I really am not completely sure what that means other than I think maybe you'll get emails when I post a new blog post.  Or maybe you have to have a google account and you'll see the news feed.  I'm not really sure but I'll let you know when I figure it out. You can just try that.   LOL.... (I guess I need to become a better blogger, huh?)
     To leave a comment you do have to have a google account and you just click on the pencil at the bottom of each new post and you can leave a comment.  :)   If you want a Google account just go to gmail.com and set one up.  Somewhere in there you can set your profile up so that when you do leave a comment or use your account for other stuff you can set a picture up or an image.
Hope that helps!!!  I'm still learning all of this, too!