Thursday, July 25, 2013

...and things are back to normal after 7 months.

   I almost completely forgot about the blog.  I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted for those of you that we don't speak to often.  I apologize.  It was so easy to post when we were at MDA but back at home with the kids, work and all of the extra stuff going on I only think about what is on my "to do" list daily.  (Even though I really enjoyed blogging there for a while.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the topic I would've chosen to start my first blog experience about given I had a choice but I feel like we are all better people for the experience our family has had to endure this past year.  I just hate Warren had to go through all of it to help make us better people.)  Speaking of, Warren is doing awesome!  He is somewhat back to normal.  He's back at work, looking great and feeling great.  He lost a lot of weight and he's struggling to gain it but I'm sure it will take a good while to gain the weight and his muscle back that he lost.  He can eat pretty much anything again other than spicy food but he has to drink LOTS of water with his food.  (And I mean A LOT of water.  We just go ahead and tell the waitress, if we are out, to go ahead and bring several glasses of water because they will never fill his glass as fast as he drinks it up.)   He never lost his taste buds (YAY!!!) but he did loose his saliva glands and they may not come back for a year if they come back.  They will most likely not ever come back 100% but he should get them back a little.  That's really all he's dealing with now.  That's not fun and causes other problems like having too wake up a lot in the middle of the night to drink water and then having to get up and go to the bathroom a lot because he's drinking so much but we feel like it could be worse so we are grateful that's all he has to deal with.  He feels so blessed to have gotten through this all!  We all feel so blessed!!!  I don't think I posted in June but we went back to MD Anderson in June for his first scan and they said it looked great and the tumor was gone.  (it's done 6-8 weeks after his last radiation/chemo treatment becuase the radiation continues to work in his body for 21 days after the last treatmet.)

   Anyhow, everything is pretty much back to normal.  He's working everyday, getting up early and working out (going and doing sprints at 6am on the beach right now) and just getting back to "normal" again.  It feels good! 

4th of July 2013

One night mini vacation alone once he was better!