I hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter day! It was definitely a different Easter for us and one I'm sure we'll never forget even though we still have so much to be grateful for and we are so very blessed. I felt terrible leaving Warren this morning but I really did not want to miss church on Easter Sunday so I made a last minute decision to go to Joel Osteen's church, Lakewood, for the 11am service. (I figured I may not get the opportunity again, even though I hope I do!) I'm so glad I went!!! It was awesome! It was an ordeal once I found it but I just followed the traffic and then the crowd becuase I had no idea where I was walking too! (I kept thinking while I was following everyone that you always teach your kids to be a leader and not a follower and here I am not having a clue where the crowd is leading me...I just followed. he he he....I was thinking surely they're all going to the same place I'm trying to get to.) All kidding aside, it was really a treat to be there. It's the largest church in the US and it was completely packed out...all of the way to the top. (I took the pics below before the service started so you cannot tell how many people were actually there once the service started.) Worship there was amzaing! It was pretty powerful being apart of such a large, upbeat congregation. I wish Warren could've gone but we will definitely go again the next time we have to come back to MDA for check-up's and when he's feeling better.
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Lakewood Church / Houston, TX |
Well, that's our Sunday. About to finish watching our redbox movies before they are all due back and before the storm starts, make some more bookmarks, and finish off my Easter dessert (Very appropriate for the occasion, Carrot Cake.) I picked up at the grocery store when I went to pick up my Easter lunch from the deli. (Yuk!...hope I never have to eat that again on Easter!)
Easter Sunday pics of Maison & Aniston back home and Jarred in Des Moines:
Clearly, I've got to hurry back so that I can start doing Ani's hair again! What is going on with her hair, y'all??? |
Happy Easter!!!
In scripture, when Jesus was about to be crucified, His disciple Peter denied Him three times. (See Matt. 26). You would think that Jesus would have given up on Peter. But that’s not His nature. When you make a mistake, God doesn’t turn from you, He comes after you!
They crucified Jesus on Friday. Sunday morning, Mary went to the tomb to check on His body. When she arrived, the stone had been rolled away. An angel appeared and said, “Mary, don’t be afraid. Jesus has risen. Now go tell His disciples and Peter that He is alive.” (See Mark 16)
Out of all the people in the world that could have been singled out at this historic moment, the only person specifically named was Peter. It was as if God was saying, “Peter, I’m the God of another chance. When you turn your back on Me, I don’t turn my back on you. When you fall, I come running toward you.”
Today, I believe God is saying to all the people who have fallen or made mistakes, “I’m not only alive but I still love you. Come to Me and let Me make you new.” If that’s you, there’s no better time to surrender your life to Jesus Christ than today. For more infomation click here: http://www.lakewoodchurch.com/pages/pathway/jesus.aspx#lakewood-video-player
~ Joel and Victoria Osteen